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Jouw problematiek is de focus van onze osteopaten en artsen

Our Treatments

The group practice of Colette Peeters focuses on a number of specific pathologies to offer each patient the best possible treatments.

Endometriose detail baarmoeder model


Endometriosis is a complex chronic condition that is usually diagnosed in a late stage. Chronic pain and infertility are often the result of endometriosis and adhesions, including after surgery. Colette Peeters is specialized in recognizing and treating the consequences of endometriosis.

Osteopaat Colette behandelt zwangere vrouw


Colette Peeters specializes in a broad range of complaints that occur specifically in women.


Infertility is common problem and can have different causes which an osteopath can treat mechanically.


Wanneer endometriose weefsel voorkomt in het gladde spierweefsel van de baarmoeder, spreken we van adenomyose of endometriosis interna. Osteopathie kan ondersteuning bieden bij de functionele klachten als gevolg van adenomyosis.

Osteopaat Colette behandeling staartbeen


Coccygodynia is pain in the tailbone or coccyx. The many causes are unknown and make it a complex problem. Pregnancy, scar tissue, trauma, bowel problems, gynaecological conditions, and more, may play a role.

Postnatal recovery

Difficult postnatal recovery often remains a taboo subject. Colette has a strong expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of problems resulting from a vaginal delivery or caesarean section. No, you don't have to live with it!

Icoon Osteopaat Colette transgender kleuren

Transgender patiënten

Colette also focuses on transgender patients with specific care needs such as chronic pain after surgery.

Detail osteopaat die een baby behandelt

Infants, babies, and children

Osteopathy helps your child develop optimally. It provides gentle treatment that helps the young body adapt to growth-related problems.

Behandeling zwangere vrouw osteopaat Colette Peeters

Pregnant women

Our osteopaths help you before, during and after pregnancy to better support the extraordinary changes within your body.

Men (andrology)

An osteopath can offer help with specific male complaints in the small pelvis (andrology), such as prostate problems and urological conditions.


Onze uroloog begeleidt patiënten bij urologische klachten zoals urineverlies, prostaatproblemen, urineweginfecties en meer.


Ook bij urologische problemen bij kinderen kan je osteopaat een ondersteunende rol spelen. Denk maar aan bedplassen, broekplassen en andere klachten.

General Complaints

Your osteopath can help you with a range of different complaints. Through manual techniques, we will improve or help to prevent specific problems.

We always adapt our treatments to the patient, looking closely at factors such as age, pathology, and history.

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afspraak om 05.00 u?

Als je een afspraak hebt om 05.00 u ’s ochtends, bel dan graag om 04.50 naar 09/253 93 14. This way we will know that you are on your way

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