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Post-academic module: The osteopathic approach to obstetrics – gynecology – infertility.

Colette Peeters osteopaat behandelt zwangere

Colette Peeters, D.O. will teach a post-academic module (PAM) in Copenhagen in December for The International Academy of Osteopathy (IAO) on the osteopathic approach to obstetrics - gynecology - infertility, specifically external and internal techniques.

Details of the training

Many women often struggle with symptoms such as incontinence, postnatal discomfort, pain during intercourse, prolapse of the bladder, uterus or colon, adhesions (scar tissue), nervus pudendus syndrome, tailbone complaints, vaginal dysbiosis, pelvic inflammation, subfertility, pelvic floor pain, and more. Colette Peeters, D.O, Msc. has a special interest in treating these complaints osteopathically. A gynecological osteopathic treatment can markedly improve symptoms.

With over 23 years of experience in the niche research of gynecology, endometriosis, infertility, andrology, coccygodynia and CPPS, Colette has performed countless internal vaginal and rectal examinations and treatments.

Colette Peeters also assists in surgery on a monthly basis with observation of gynaecological surgical procedures and IVF procedures to keep her knowledge current and to bridge the gap between regular and functional medicine.

Interested? Read more on the IAO page and register.

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