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IAO Module The Female Small Pelvis

Osteopaat Colette Peeters doceert voor het IAO

Today, Colette Peeters taught a module on The Female Small Pelvis and the Osteopathic Approach: Vaginal & Rectal Internal Techniques for the IAO (International Academy of Osteopathy).

Students received all-day training via livestream on a wide range of topics surrounding the osteopathic approach to the female small pelvis:

  • The evidence-based approach
  • Osteopathy and ethics
  • The social, cultural and psychological context
  • Sexuality, taboo and vulnerability in women
  • Complementary therapy, tips, advice, nutrition and lifestyle
  • Anatomy of the small pelvis
  • Red flags
  • Communication with the patient (patient-centered approach)

The lecture will give future osteopaths a solid foundation on the issues relating to the female small pelvis and the osteopathic approach to complaints.

Streaming van les over het vrouwelijk klein bekken door osteopaat Colette Peeters
Colette Peeters teaching students about the female small pelvis through a live stream

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