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Our group practice can also make a difference for your baby with:

  • functional complaints
  • loss of movement
  • postnatal check-up (with or without indications)
  • support with specific complaints, such as bowel complaints, preferred posture, reflux
Osteopathy helps your child to develop optimally. It offers a gentle treatment that helps the young body to adapt to growth-related problems. Early and effective treatment can prevent all kinds of problems. 

The treatment is highly individualized & patient-oriented: a clear explanation and informed consent always precede the osteopathic examination and treatment.


  • Preferred posture, KISS, torticollis, infant asymmetry, asymmetrical motor patterns, plagiocephaly, bradycephaly (skull flattening)
  • Poor sucking response, not sucking forcefully enough, loosening/pulling the nipple, left/right breast difference, overstretching while eating
  • Over-stimulation, restlessness, poor sleep, excessive crying (crybabies)
  • Digestive problems: cramps, reflux, thrush, food intolerances, ...
  • Tension of the diaphragm: frequent hiccups, difficulty burping, overstretching while eating
  • Respiratory tract infections/otitis
  • Abnormalities in motor development: weak head extensions, unwillingness to lie prone, asymmetrical crawling, pooping, toe walking
  • Tonus problems: hypotonic (floppy child), hypertonic (banana/parabolic), asymmetry, primary reflexes lasting too long

Later on, osteopathy can be support children with growth pains, headaches, neck pain, scoliosis, impaired immunity, persistent digestive complaints or with learning difficulties. Interdisciplinary work is suggested when appropriate.


  • Emphasis on the importance of movement for development through stimulation (play and motor skills) 
  • Inhibition (rest, sleep, touch, swaddling,...) 
  • Nutrition: during pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding, bottle feeding, solid feeding


The treatment of a baby is always very gentle. During an initial consultation we delve deeper into the problem. You will get more information about the treatment and how we can help you to make your baby/child as comfortable as possible.

Thanks to continuous training and many years of experience Jolien and Jenny have built up an additional specialisatie in treating babies and children. 


  • Problems with lactation
  • Latch-on problems
  • Suction problems
  • Mastitis
  • Guidance for breastfeeding: positions and latching-on techniques
  • Tongue-tie
  • Guidance for breastfeeding to artificial feeding

See also:

Book an appointment with our osteopaths

Portret osteopaat Jolien De Pauw

Jolien De Pauw

Babies, infants, children, pregnant women, adults.

Astrid Dewicke

Algemene osteopathie, volwassenen, zwangeren, baby’s

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