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Corona update

Overzicht corona maatregelen

Following the recent update of the corona guidelines, we want to highlight the measures in our practice once more. We’re asking all patients to strictly follow the rules. This guarantees maximum safety and health for everyone.


According to government guidelines, you are always allowed to travel for medical reasons, even when the curfew is active (from midnight to 5 am). If you have an appointment with Colette at 05:00 h it is sufficient to have your Doctena appointment on your phone with you. Or show a printed copy of your appointment.


If you are showing COVID-19 symptoms, we ask that you do not come to the practice to avoid any risk of spreading the virus. Questions about the symptoms? Read up on the official government corona website.

Keep it safe for everyone!

Bring a large towel

Always visit the practice alone

Wear a face mask, always and everywhere

Disinfect your hands upon arrival

Do not touch your face or facemask

Do not touch anything else

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